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New task for Mystic River Watershed Association: prepare communities for climate change

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

It’s been 50 years since a group of volunteers came together to address the changes urbanization and industrialization made in the Mystic River and its watershed. Now the group, a full-fledged nonprofit, is taking on a new task: preparing the region for the ever-intensifying effects of climate change.

That’s in addition to its original mission: protecting and restoring the river and its watershed.

Noting that New England winters are, on average, five degrees warmer than 100 years ago, the Mystic River Watershed Association, known by its acronym, MyRWA, has launched new programs, forged new partnerships and is reaching out to the residents of the 21 communities that comprise the watershed.

The organization, headquartered in Arlington, plays a leading role in the work to build a climate-resilient Mystic River amid unprecedented climate change.

“Oftentimes we’re thinking about reducing carbon emissions and stopping climate change from getting worse,” said Melanie Gárate, Mystic River Watershed Association’s Climate Resiliency Manager. “But we don’t stop to think about the fact that we already have this amount of carbon baked in – so how can we create resilience around here?”

Instead of attempting to control something that humans cannot control, says Gárate, the organization helps communities along the Mystic River and its tributaries find ways to prepare for and effectively respond to events related to climate change.

Some of the biggest issues facing the river and its watershed are the urban heat islands in the greater Boston region, substandard air quality, the river’s inadequate water quality, and parks and greenways along the Mystic in need of maintenance, according to the association.

Executive Director Patrick Herron is well aware of the environmental inequities facing those populations in the river’s watershed and what needs to be done to bring change.

“Our challenge is to foster collective action toward protecting people, protecting the economy, and achieving environmental improvements in these areas,” Herron said.

Perhaps the most important problem facing the Mystic River and the populations surrounding it is the inequity of clean water and air among disadvantaged communities in the watershed, Herron said.

In partnership with the Boston Museum of Science and CAPA Strategies, a data analytics company that specializes in urban heat islands, the association conducted a heat island census, called Wicked Hot Mystic in August 2021 across 17 municipalities in the watershed.

Julie Ing Stern, one of MyRWA’s volunteers, who assisted in the heat island census last summer, thoroughly enjoyed her experience.

“I was so glad to be able to participate in a project that will help cities and towns plan for climate change,” Ing Stern said. Her role as a volunteer consisted of driving a specific route through the watershed to collect temperature and air quality data through sensors that she attached to her car. She was also directed to note any visible activity along the route such as construction or traffic conditions.

As someone who has always had a passion for the outdoors, Ing Stern said she is grateful to be able to play a meaningful role in working toward MyRWA’s mission.

“Volunteering for MyRWA has made me much more aware and appreciative of the area in which I live and work, and I have learned a ton,” Ing Stern said.

The final results of the census have yet to be released to the public; however, Gárate, who managed the project, identified a few concerns raised by the outcome.

The census revealed the lower part of the watershed, which includes cities such as East Boston, Chelsea, Everett, Revere and Malden, is noticeably hotter than the rest of the municipalities surveyed. These cities have less green space compared to the rest of the watershed, according to the association. Greenways, according to the association, provide cooling.

Municipalities that were found to be warmer than their counterparts also have a considerable amount of their populations living at or below the poverty line – an average of 15.56 percent of the five cities’ total population, according to MyRWA.

“People who are renters, who are also transportation disadvantaged, they don't have cars to cool off,” Gárate said. “They don't have adequate green space access or have adequate cooling access at home. That is a public health concern.”

The census also surveyed air quality levels in the watershed, however those results have not been made public. The full report from MyRWA’s census will be released sometime spring, said Gárate.

Herron, who has been involved with MyRWA since 2009, and Gárate both talked about the importance of the general public participating in climate resilience. They emphasized how critical it is that residents advocate for funding in their municipalities toward achieving climate resiliency.

Suggestions include contacting state and local representatives, the mayor and city council, about concerns with climate change, climate resiliency and to support funding the Massachusetts Vulnerability Preparedness program (MVP).

The MVP is a grant program financed by the Massachusetts state budget that gives municipalities the funding needed to execute climate resilience plans. The Baker Administration allocated $21 million in funding toward climate change divided between 328 Massachusetts municipalities through the MVP program last summer.

Gárate said that individuals can also express the importance of improving the quality of indoor spaces such as residential homes, affordable housing homes, schools and libraries to their representatives, as well.

“[Those buildings] were meant to keep heat in during the winter, but they weren't made to keep heat out in the summertime,” Gárate said.

Herron and Gárate similarly emphasized that MyRWA’s volunteer group is the lifeblood of the organization. There are about 1,000 citizen scientists who assist MyRWA in a variety of capacities; fish counting for one. The MyRWA is always looking for volunteers to help count the river herring migration, a species that migrates annually between Florida and Maine.

It’s been 50 years since a group of volunteers came together to address the changes urbanization and industrialization made in the Mystic River and its watershed. Now the group, a full-fledged nonprofit, is taking on a new task: preparing the region for the ever-intensifying effects of climate change.

That’s in addition to its original mission: protecting and restoring the river and its watershed.

Mystic River Watershed

Noting that New England winters are, on average, five degrees warmer than 100 years ago, the Mystic River Watershed Association, known by its acronym, MyRWA, has launched new programs, forged new partnerships and is reaching out to the residents of the 21 communities that comprise the watershed.

The organization, headquartered in Arlington, plays a leading role in the work to build a climate-resilient Mystic River amid unprecedented climate change.

“Oftentimes we’re thinking about reducing carbon emissions and stopping climate change from getting worse,” said Melanie Gárate, Mystic River Watershed Association’s Climate Resiliency Manager. “But we don’t stop to think about the fact that we already have this amount of carbon baked in – so how can we create resilience around here?”

Instead of attempting to control something that humans cannot control, says Gárate, the organization helps communities along the Mystic River and its tributaries find ways to prepare for and effectively respond to events related to climate change.

Melanie Gárate, climate resiliency manager at the Mystic River Watershed Association.

Some of the biggest issues facing the river and its watershed are the urban heat islands in the greater Boston region, substandard air quality, the river’s inadequate water quality, and parks and greenways along the Mystic in need of maintenance, according to the association.

Executive Director Patrick Herron is well aware of the environmental inequities facing those populations in the river’s watershed and what needs to be done to bring change.

“Our challenge is to foster collective action toward protecting people, protecting the economy, and achieving environmental improvements in these areas,” Herron said.

Perhaps the most important problem facing the Mystic River and the populations surrounding it is the inequity of clean water and air among disadvantaged communities in the watershed, Herron said.

In partnership with the Boston Museum of Science and CAPA Strategies, a data analytics company that specializes in urban heat islands, the association conducted a heat island census, called Wicked Hot Mystic in August 2021 across 17 municipalities in the watershed.

Julie Ing Stern, one of MyRWA’s volunteers, who assisted in the heat island census last summer, thoroughly enjoyed her experience.

“I was so glad to be able to participate in a project that will help cities and towns plan for climate change,” Ing Stern said. Her role as a volunteer consisted of driving a specific route through the watershed to collect temperature and air quality data through sensors that she attached to her car. She was also directed to note any visible activity along the route such as construction or traffic conditions.

As someone who has always had a passion for the outdoors, Ing Stern said she is grateful to be able to play a meaningful role in working toward MyRWA’s mission.

“Volunteering for MyRWA has made me much more aware and appreciative of the area in which I live and work, and I have learned a ton,” Ing Stern said.

The final results of the census have yet to be released to the public; however, Gárate, who managed the project, identified a few concerns raised by the outcome.

The census revealed the lower part of the watershed, which includes cities such as East Boston, Chelsea, Everett, Revere and Malden, is noticeably hotter than the rest of the municipalities surveyed. These cities have less green space compared to the rest of the watershed, according to the association. Greenways, according to the association, provide cooling.

Patrick Herron, executive director of the Mystic River Watershed Association

Municipalities that were found to be warmer than their counterparts also have a considerable amount of their populations living at or below the poverty line – an average of 15.56 percent of the five cities’ total population, according to MyRWA.

“People who are renters, who are also transportation disadvantaged, they don't have cars to cool off,” Gárate said. “They don't have adequate green space access or have adequate cooling access at home. That is a public health concern.”

The census also surveyed air quality levels in the watershed, however those results have not been made public. The full report from MyRWA’s census will be released sometime this spring, said Gárate.

Medford resident Jenny Prokopovich carries a basket of pulled water chestnut plants from her canoe after helping to remove the invasive plant from the Mystic River during a Mystic River Watershed Association volunteer program on Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021.

Herron, who has been involved with MyRWA since 2009, and Gárate both talked about the importance of the general public participating in climate resilience. They emphasized how critical it is that residents advocate for funding in their municipalities toward achieving climate resiliency.

Suggestions include contacting state and local representatives, the mayor and city council, about concerns with climate change, climate resiliency and to support funding the Massachusetts Vulnerability Preparedness program (MVP).

The MVP is a grant program financed by the Massachusetts state budget that gives municipalities the funding needed to execute climate resilience plans. The Baker Administration allocated $21 million in funding toward climate change divided between 328 Massachusetts municipalities through the MVP program last summer.

Gárate said that individuals can also express the importance of improving the quality of indoor spaces such as residential homes, affordable housing homes, schools and libraries to their representatives, as well.

“[Those buildings] were meant to keep heat in during the winter, but they weren't made to keep heat out in the summertime,” Gárate said.

Herron and Gárate similarly emphasized that MyRWA’s volunteer group is the lifeblood of the organization. There are about 1,000 citizen scientists who assist MyRWA in a variety of capacities; fish counting for one. The MyRWA is always looking for volunteers to help count the river herring migration, a species that migrates annually between Florida and Maine.

Cindy Miller and Deb Sorgman listen as Daria Clark, engagement manager for the Mystic River Watershed Association, explains the project during a Mystic River Watershed Association volunteer program to help remove the invasive water chestnut plants from the Mystic River on Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021.

Volunteers can also help monitor water quality, remove invasive plants and work on park and river cleanups. They can even write letters to local and state representatives to demand funding or to support or oppose certain environmental permits enacted by the state.

The organization also raises awareness about the importance of the watershed’s health through providing educational programs to schools and youth groups. Children work hands-on to learn about water, biodiversity, the connection between humans and the environment, climate change and pollution.

“We are really keen on developing the next generation of environmental stewards,” Herron said. “If we're meeting lifelong residents of Medford who have never been in a canoe on the Mystic River, that tells us that nobody invited them out or introduced their local river to them early in life. Our effort is to try to raise awareness of the river with young people.”

Children, Herron added, take what they learn home to their families. That’s one way knowledge and awareness of the watershed is spread, exactly what MyRWA works toward.

Though MyRWA cannot achieve climate resilience in an area as vast as north of Boston alone, the organization is committed to continuing to raise awareness and build a larger community of individuals dedicated to fostering a healthier future for the watershed and those who live in it.

This “is an area that has been impacted and transformed by 150 years of urbanization and industrialization,” Herron said. “The expectation that [MyRWA is] going to undo all those impacts in just a few years is not a fair one, but we can set the tone and level a lot of different permits, investment, and changes toward a healthier watershed every year.”

Kaley Brown is a journalism student at Endicott College.

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