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  • kaleybrown11

What are those signs? And why are they located on certain Medford streets?

Who knew that the faded blue signs scattered, at first glance, randomly on metal poles around certain sections of Medford were all related to the classic Thanksgiving poem titled “Over the River and Through the Wood” by native Medford poet, author and avid abolitionist Lydia Maria Child?

Driving, biking or walking along Governors Avenue, Lawrence Road and Winthrop Street in Medford, the round lollipop signs read: “Over the Mystic River Route” or “Medford Scholars River Route,” and feature two figures walking along water.

The signs are related and have a purpose: Over the Mystic: River Route is a walking loop cleverly referencing the novelist and poet’s finest work that features ten historically significant landmarks along the way.

The signs mark a walking loop circling those roadways that eventually lead to a portion of the river. Since the walking route is a complete circle, there is no start or endpoint. Pedestrians can begin the 1.7-mile journey anywhere. Some are placed along Main Street in South Medford, confusingly out of view of the water.

Created nearly a decade ago to encourage walking in the city, the project was made possible in part by a grant from Mass in Motion, a statewide group founded in 2014 that works to reduce obesity in communities around Massachusetts. The group is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

The route connects Medford to history

Syrah McGivern, a former Mass In Motion coordinator who was also based in the Board of Health in Medford, established the walking route with the help of other local nonprofits. McGivern and fellow volunteers worked to create this route with the goal of making walking more accessible in the area.

“It’s just a fun little walk,” McGivern said. “We wanted to encourage people to go for a quick walk around the Medford square area and get some exercise.”

The Over the Mystic River Route, created a decade ago to promote walking in the city, encompasses some famous sites, including Grandfather's House, the former Opera House, the original Albree Farmhouse and even some modern sights like the Condon Shell. Courtesy Map Provided By The City Of Medford

Funded by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, the river route was specifically designed to lead users to different landmarks of historical importance in Medford in addition to the river. The designated loop guides pedestrians to the Medford Historical Society and the Women’s Club House on Governors Avenue as well as the former opera house on High Street.

Dee Morris, a local historian who has written numerous books about the area and leads walking tours around the city, assisted McGivern in curating the route. Morris wants pedestrians to become aware of their surroundings and learn a bit of Medford’s history as they make their way down to the Mystic River.

“In discussing the structures, Morris said “you have to sort of stop and look at them. That’s what we hoped people would do as they would go on this route.”

Child’s grandfather’s house, famously referenced in her poem, can be seen at 114 South Street. Pedestrians can stop to read the plaque in front that identifies it and recounts its history.

Morris said they tried hard to ensure the historic landmarks were diverse and compelling at the time they were mapping the path. She hopes that people using it become more connected to the community and view Medford in a different light than just a city that happens to be close to Boston and in the Mystic River watershed.

Though some signs referencing the waterway are north of the Mystic River, they are meant to guide users to stay along the loop. Walking further south, the Over the Mystic: River Route signs lead to a section of the Mystic River off Winthrop and High streets, south of Route 16, just before the Interstate 93 connector.

McGivern said the group wanted to encourage people to walk by the river.

“We wanted to create a walking route in Medford while also tying it into bringing people down to the water,” McGivern said.

The project is about 10 years old and now, maintenance can be a concern,

McGivern explained that the Medford Department of Public Works helped create the path. Their job was to ensure there were no hazards on the sidewalks and that the pathways were up to par. Certain sections of the route are owned and maintained by Medford; others are the responsibility of the state.

That combination can make it confusing to determine which governmental entity is responsible for each section of the route; meaning that blame for dilapidated sidewalks, debris and potholes can be difficult to assign.

Maintenance has been challenging

Because the route is nearly 10 years old, the state has not maintained it consistently, according to McGivern.

Jennifer Valentyn, a volunteer with WalkMedford, another local nonprofit group advocating for increased walking, further explained the importance of maintaining walkways.

“Disgruntled citizens who see neglect on our streets may develop a negative attitude toward our city,” Valentyn said. “However, it could very well be a state problem.”

Valentyn offered a solution, suggesting that privatizing streets would be a way to increase the quality of pathways. Shifting ownership from public to private would allow community members and volunteers to take action into their own hands without needing to rely on the city or the state.

Pedestrians following the poem through the city. Over the Mystic on the River Route to grandfather’s house and beyond, are encouraged to take a look around and absorb some of the historical landmarks along the path on their way toward the river.

Kaley Brown is a journalism student at Endicott College.

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